Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This weekend is the Black Box Comedy Festival/Black Box Improv Festival/AWESOMENESS!!

It's where we as MTS get to go geek-out at our favorite semi-famous semi-professional improv crushes. We also get to see other troupes and improvisers our own age, older, and much older.

People from all across the country flock to festivals like this one because it's awesome to see someone play with a totally different style, like Johnstone's Who, What, Where vs. Del Close's "The Rules" vs. San Francisco's "Play it slow" vs. Canada's "Play it really slow" vs. DSI's "Play it as fast and ballsy as possible."

Then, on top of that, we get to take workshops with these crazy peeps and get inside their heads and stuff. (Awesome!).

So that, in a nutshell, is BBIF/BBCF, and it is so good.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sketch Show 2010 this Friday

So, I don't think anybody reads this blog, since we rarely update it, but just to document this, the sketch show for this year is this Friday and I'm so freakin excited.

We've titled it "Humon Nature", and it's gonna be off the chain.

The format will be a little different than years past, we actually have a show order and junk rather than the numbers on the screen.

Oh, did I mention it was going to be awesome?

The sketch show will be held in Lee shortly after the main stage show this Friday